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UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

Citrus Nurseries Trainings

Nurseries are a foundational part of the citrus industry.  The citrus nurseries provide the necessary young trees that are vital to establish a grove.  To deliver the highest quality trees possible to growers and homeowners, it is important to have good sanitation to prevent diseases like phytophthora root rot and citrus canker.  Our nursery training will provide employees an understanding of good sanitation practices and how to recognize symptoms.

Interactive Citrus Canker Nursery Training

> Click Here to begin Citrus Canker Training

CREC Canker Training

Previniendo la Introducción y Propagación del Cancro de los
Cítricos en Ambientes de Vivero


Identificación del Cancro Cítrico en Viveros de la Florida